resusagesldvV | VantageCloud Lake - resusagesldvV - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

Database: td_metric_svc

If you need detailed statistics for each logical disk device in the system, use this view to:

  • Evaluate logical disk response times, read/write IO volume, and so on.
  • Compare logical disk performance between nodes.
  • Validate overall logical disk parallelism within a node or across the system.
View Column Data Type Format Comment
Location VARCHAR(2048) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(2048) File path in object storage for metric data objects.
path_component_id VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) Operational group (primary cluster or compute cluster) ID.
path_collecttimestamp VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) Timestamp, in EPOCH timestamp format, this metric data was collected from your database and written to object storage.
path_year VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The year in which the data was logged..
path_month VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The month in which the data was recorded in the table.
path_day VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The day on which the data was recorded in the table.
path_hour VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The hour at which the data was recorded in the table.
path_minute VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The minute at which the data was recorded in the table.
path_ver VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The version of Vantage software that was running on the operational group.
TheDate DATE NOT NULL YYYY/MM/DD Local Date of the log entry.
NodeID INTEGER NOT NULL ZZZ9-9999 Numeric value that uniquely identifies a node (cloud compute instance) within a compute cluster. For example, '10001','10002'.
TheTime FLOAT NOT NULL 99:99:99.99 Nominal local time of the log entry.
GmtTime FLOAT NOT NULL 99:99:99.99 Nominal GMT time of the log entry. Greenwich Mean Time is not affected by the Daylight Saving Time adjustments that occur twice a year.
Not applicable. Do not use.
    Not applicable.
Not applicable. Do not use.
    Not applicable.
NodeType CHAR(8) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(8) Indicates the node (cloud compute instance) family. For example, '67_R5'.
TheTimestamp BIGINT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970.
CentiSecs INTEGER NOT NULL -(11)9 Actual number of centiseconds in the logging period.
Secs SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Actual number of seconds in the logging period.
NominalSecs SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Nominal number of seconds in the logging period.
SummaryFlag CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(1) Summarization status of this row. Possible values are N if the row is a non-summary row, and S if the row is a summary row.
ReservedS0 CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(1) Reserved for future use.
ReservedS1 CHAR(4) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(4) Reserved for future use.
PM_COD_CPU SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Platform Metering CPU COD value in one tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 500 represents a COD value of 50.0%.
PM_COD_IO SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Platform Metering IO COD value in whole percent. For example, a value of 50 represents a COD value of 50.0%.
WM_COD_CPU SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Workload Management CPU COD value in one tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 500 represents a COD value of 50.0%.
WM_COD_IO SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Workload Management IO COD value in whole percent. For example, a value of 50 represents a COD value of 50.0%.
TIER_FACTOR SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 I/O performance limit placed on a core-reduced node. For example, a value of 75 represents an I/O limit of 75.0% placed before other COD values.
ctlid INTEGER NOT NULL -(11)9 Represents the controller number. The value is the decimal equivalent of the three digit controller ID in the LdvId (the HHC digits). If the controller information is not available, its value is set to -1.
ldvid BYTE(4) NOT NULL X(8) LdvId is derived from the Host, Channel, Id, and Lun information of the device (00HHCTLL). If the device address information is not available, this column contains the device major and minor number (for example, MMMmmmmm).
LdvName CHAR(8) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(8) Storage device name.
LdvType CHAR(4) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(4) Type of logical device. The value is either DISK for database disk or SDSK for system disk.
Major INTEGER NOT NULL -(11)9 Device major number.
Minor INTEGER NOT NULL -(11)9 Device minor number.
ReservedS2 CHAR(8) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(8) Reserved for future use.
LdvOutReqSum FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Time-weighted total of samples in centiseconds spent doing I/O. Used to calculate LdvOutReqAvg = LdvOutReqSum / LdvOutReqDiv.
LdvReadKB FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of KB read from the logical device.
LdvWriteKB FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of KB written to the logical device.
LdvReadRespTot FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total of individual read response times in centiseconds.
LdvWriteRespTot FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total of individual write response times in centiseconds.
FullPotentialIota FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 The full (total uninhibited) potential IOTAs for device.
CodPotentialIota FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 The potential IOTAs for device. These are accumulated only when an I/O is pending on a device, and they are limited by the IO_COD setting.
UsedIota FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Used IOTAs for device.
IoThrottleCount FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times that an I/O was throttled.
IoThrottleTime FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total I/O Throttle Time in centiseconds.
IoThrottleCntZeroIotas FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times an I/O was throttled due to no IOTA tokens available in the bucket.
IoThrottleCntInsuffIotas FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times an I/O was throttled due to insufficient IOTA tokens available in the bucket.
IoThrottleCntInsuffIotasHL FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times an I/O was throttled due to insufficient IOTA tokens available in the bucket for Hard Limits.
IoThrottleCntMaxQD FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times an I/O was throttled due to the queue depth to the storage being at maximum.
FullPotentialIotaUnAdj FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 The unadjusted full potential input or output token allocations for a device.
Active FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Controls whether the rows are logged to the resource usage tables if Active Row Filter Mode is enabled.
LdvOutReqDiv FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Delta time in centiseconds for the sample. Used to calculate LdvOutReqAvg = LdvOutReqSum / LdvOutReqDiv.
LdvReads FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of reads issued.
LdvWrites FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of writes issued.
LdvOutReqTime FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total time in centiseconds with (any) outstanding requests. The value in this column is less than or equal to the reported logging period.