Creating a Personal Access Token | Teradata VantageCloud Lake - Creating a Personal Access Token - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
In VantageCloud Lake personal access tokens (PAT) are used with Flow, user-defined functions, and the Open Analytics Framework.

To create a PAT, you must have a public key in pem format. You can upload one or generate one here.

  1. Open Account Settings and scroll down to locate Access tokens and keys.
  2. Create the Key

  3. Select Keys then Create.
  4. To upload an existing public key:
    1. Select Upload public key.
    2. Enter a Key name.
    3. Paste the public key into the box.
      The key must be in pem format.
    4. Select Save.
  5. To have Teradata generate a key pair:
    1. Select Generate key pair.
    2. Enter a Key name.
    3. Select Generate Private Key.
      The private key half of the pair is generated.
      Important: Teradata does not keep the private key half of the pair. Teradata recommends that you download the private key.
    4. Select the Download button to save the private key.
    5. Select Save to save the public key half of the pair.
  6. Create Access Token

  7. Under Access tokens and keys select Access tokens then Create.
  8. Select the Environment to associate with this PAT.
  9. [Optional] Enter a Description.
  10. [Optional] Select an Expiration date for the token. The default is 10 years.
  11. [Optional] Set the Idle timeout. The access token is invalidated if it isn't used in this time period.
  12. Select Save.
  13. Select Copy Access Token and save your access token in a safe location.
    Teradata does not retain this information.