General Usage Guidelines with CREATE PROCEDURE and REPLACE PROCEDURE (SQL Form) - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

Default Session Collation for Procedures

The default server character set for a procedure is set by Teradata Support. If you want to change this default, contact Teradata Support.

Possible default session collations for a procedure:
  • Default session collation is that of the user who runs the procedure.

    This is the standard default.

  • The default session collation is that of the user who created the procedure.

Therefore, result sets returned to a client application or calling procedure use the collation established for the called procedure, even though they return results using the character set of the client application or procedure.


You cannot specify either CREATE PROCEDURE or REPLACE PROCEDURE requests as part of a procedure definition.

Memory Considerations for INOUT Parameters

If the size of an output value returned to an INOUT parameter is larger than the memory the system had allocated for the input value for that parameter when the procedure was called, the CALL request fails and returns an overflow error to the requestor.

The following example shows this. Suppose you have created a procedure named myintz with a single INOUT parameter.

CALL myintz(32767);

The smallest data type the system can use to store 32,767 is SMALLINT, so it allocates the two bytes required to store a SMALLINT number for the parameter. If this CALL request returns a value greater than or equal to 32,768, the system treats it as an overflow for a SMALLINT irrespective of the data type assigned to the parameter when the procedure was created, aborts the request, and returns an error because the largest positive value that a SMALLINT variable can contain is 32,767.

Recompiling an SQL Procedure

Use the ALTER PROCEDURE (SQL Form) statement to recompile an existing SQL procedure.

SQL Procedure Support for Transaction Query Bands

You can set the transaction query band (but not the session query band) using a parameter value, including a QUESTION MARK parameter, that is passed to an SQL procedure.

SQL Procedures and Proxy Connections

The following rules apply to procedures created in a proxy connection.
  • The immediate owner of the procedure is the creator of all permanent objects created through the procedure.
  • During procedure execution, Vantage checks the privileges of the immediate owner of the procedure for all statements specified and all objects referenced in the procedure body.
  • The CONNECT THROUGH privilege for SET QUERY_BAND with a PROXYUSER in a procedure is validated against the trusted user when the procedure runs.

SQL Procedure Support for UDTs

For correct operation of a UDT within a procedure, the UDT must have its required ordering and transform functionality defined. Additionally, the tosql and fromsql transform routines must be duplicated by an equivalent set of predefined data type-to-UDT and UDT-to-predefined data type implicit cast definitions. You can do this by referencing the same routines in both the CREATE TRANSFORM and CREATE CAST statements.

For distinct UDTs, if you plan to use the system-generated functionality, no additional work is required because the transform and implicit casting functionality have already been defined. For structured UDTs, you must explicitly define the transform and cast functionality, as shown by the following examples.

/* Transform Functionality */
    CREATE TRANSFORM FOR address ClientIO (

/* Implicit Cast To Back Up The ToSql Functionality */
    CREATE CAST ( Varchar(100) AS address )

/* Implicit Cast To Back Up The FromSql Functionality */
    CREATE CAST (address AS Varchar(100))

You can declare an input parameter to have the VARIANT_TYPE UDT data type only within the body of the procedure definition, which means that the system passes the dynamic UDT data type to this parameter position during runtime using the NEW VARIANT_TYPE expression. You cannot declare an IN parameter data type for the procedure itself to have the VARIANT_TYPE data type.

You cannot declare the data type for any parameter to be TD_ANYTYPE.

Details about SQL procedure support for the following DML statements are documented in SQL Stored Procedures and Embedded SQL.
  • SELECT INTO a UDT local variable.

    You can SELECT INTO a UDT local variable. No expressions are allowed in the INTO list.

  • FETCH INTO a UDT local variable.

    You can FETCH INTO a UDT local variable. No expressions are allowed in the INTO list.

    You cannot perform a FETCH INTO operation in which you attempt to fetch into a predefined type nor can you perform a fetch into operation that involves UDT types that are not 100 percent identical. That is, no implicit casts are applied for these operations.

  • INSERT INTO a UDT local variable.

    You can INSERT INTO a UDT local variable in a table, but you cannot invoke methods on such a local variable if those methods are invoked within the INTO clause.

Using the CURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Functions in an SQL Procedure

When you create a procedure that contains the CURRENT_TIME or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP functions, Vantage incorporates the value for the function at the time the procedure is compiled.

If the settings of these parameters adjust the time zone, any procedure created with the intent of returning a current value for the CURRENT_TIME or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP functions that is adjusted for the local time, no matter where the procedure is invoked, does not return the intended result.

You can recompile the procedure periodically, but that is not a universally applicable solution to the problem.

See Time Zone Strings for a complete list of valid time zone strings.

Using the PREPARE Statement in an SQL Procedure

The following rules apply to using the PREPARE statement in an SQL procedure definition.
  • The PREPARE statement prepares the dynamic cursor SQL statement for execution.
  • You can use the PREPARE statement only for procedures that return result sets.
  • The SQL statement name specified by a PREPARE statement must be a standard SQL identifier.
  • The system passes PREPARE statements to the Parser for syntax checking.

    If there is a syntax error, the statement returns a syntax exception error to the requestor.

  • The statement must be a dynamic cursor SELECT statement if a PREPARE statement references a statement name in a dynamic DECLARE CURSOR statement.

    Otherwise, the system returns an SQLSTATE ‘07005’ error, meaning that the prepared statement is not a cursor specification.

  • Whether specified as a string expression or as a variable, the maximum length of a dynamic SQL statement is 64 KB.

    This maximum includes SQL text, USING data, and CLIv2 parcel overhead.

  • You can specify an OPEN … USING statement only for a cursor that returns result sets.
  • You cannot specify multiple-statement requests as part of a PREPARE statement.
  • A dynamic SQL statement can include either parameter markers or placeholder tokens (the QUESTION MARK character) where any literal, particularly a SQL variable, reference is allowed.

    The only exception to this is that neither parameter markers nor placeholder tokens can be specified in the select list.

  • The system supplies values to the statement by means of the USING clause of the OPEN statement.
  • You cannot perform a PREPARE statement as a standalone dynamic SQL statement.
  • A maximum of 15 dynamic SQL statements is permitted in any procedure definition.

Utilities and APIs Supporting CREATE/REPLACE PROCEDURE

You can create a procedure using the COMPILE command in BTEQ and BTEQWIN. See Basic Teradata® Query Reference, B035-2414.

You can also create a procedure using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement from CLIv2, ODBC, and JDBC applications.

The following client software packages support procedure execution and DDL operations:
  • BTEQ
  • CLIv2
  • JDBC
  • ODBC
  • PreProcessor2

For details on the use of local variables and condition handlers in SQL procedures, see the description of DECLARE and DECLARE HANDLER topics in Condition Handling.