Casting and Storage Formats - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

When casting to a JSON type, you can use the STORAGE FORMAT syntax to specify the desired storage format of the target JSON type. This allows for easy conversion between BYTE/VARBYTE/BLOB data and JSON types stored using one of the optional binary formats. Conversion can also be done between JSON types with different storage formats so that JSON data in one storage format can be cast to any other storage format. Because the casting functionality can be implicitly invoked, data can easily be loaded into JSON columns which use an optional binary storage format.

When casting between BYTE/VARBYTE/BLOB and JSON, the data is subject to the specification of the target binary storage format.

CHAR/VARCHAR/CLOB data can also be cast to a JSON type with a binary format. This is only useful when inserting data into a JSON column where its data is stored in binary format. The character data must be in valid JSON syntax. Otherwise an error is reported.

Extended data types in binary formats are not used because the JSON text format does not provide these extensions. The data represented as an extended data type is converted to a string in the resulting JSON text. The same rules apply to casting from JSON in the text format to JSON stored in one of the optional binary formats.

When casting between JSON stored as BSON and JSON stored as UBJSON, any source data specified in an extended data format that does not have an associated extended data format in the target is converted to a string value.