JSONPath Request Example | VantageCloud Lake - Example: JSONPath Request - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

This example uses the following JSON instance to show elements of the JSONPath syntax. The corresponding table provides explanations of the syntax elements and usage examples.

    "customer" : "CustomerName",
    "orderID" : 3,
    "price" : "$100000.00",
    "items" :
          { "ID" : 1, "name" : "disk", "amt" : 10 },
          { "ID" : 2, "name" : "RAM", "amt" : 20 },
          { "ID" : 3, "name" : "monitor", "amt" : 30 },
          { "ID" : 4, "name" : "keyboard", "amt" : 40 },
          { "ID" : 5, "name" : "camera", "amt" : 50 },
          { "ID" : 6, "name" : "button", "amt" : 60 },
          { "ID" : 7, "name" : "mouse", "amt" : 70 },
          { "ID" : 8, "name" : "pen", "amt" : 80 }
JSONPath Description Example Explanation of Example Result
$ The root object/element $.customer The name of the customer CustomerName
@ The current object/element $.items[(@.length-1)] The last item in the order.

In this context, 'length' is interpreted as the length of the current JSON array and is treated as a property of the JSON array. This is only interpreted in this manner if 'length' occurs immediately after the '@.' syntax. If found later in the expression (for example, '@.firstChild.length'), the word 'length' is interpreted as the name of a child of an entity, not as a property of that entity.

.. Recursive descent $..name All item names ["disk","RAM","monitor", "keyboard","camera","button","mouse","pen"]
* Wildcard

All objects/elements regardless of their names

$.items[0].* All descriptions of the first item of the order [1,"disk",10]
[ ] The native array operator $.items[0] The first item {"ID":1,"name":"disk","amt":10}
[start,end] List of indexes $.items[0,1] The first two items [{"ID":1,"name":"disk","amt":10},


[start:end:step] Array slice operator

If you do not specify start, the default is the first index.

If you do not specify end, the default is the last index.

If you do not specify step, the default is a step of 1.

$.items[0:4:2] All items from 1-5 (not inclusive on the end index) by a step of 2 (That is, items 1 and 3) [{"ID":1,"name":"disk","amt":10},


?( ) Applies a filter (script) expression $.items[?(@.amt<50)] Filter all items of which a quantity less than 50 was ordered [{"ID":1,"name":"disk","amt":10},




( ) Script expression, using the underlying script engine $.items[(@.length-1)] The last item in the order {"ID":8,"name":"pen","amt":80}