Multivalue Compression of UDT Columns | VantageCloud Lake - Using Compression Methods with CREATE FUNCTION - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

CREATE FUNCTION and Multivalue Compression of UDT Columns

You can use multivalue compression only for distinct UDTs based on the following predefined data types:
  • All numeric types.
  • DATE
  • BYTE
You can specify the compression attributes COMPRESS NULL and NO COMPRESS for the following UDT data types:
  • Distinct and structured types that are not based on BLOB or CLOB types
  • ARRAY and VARRAY types
  • Period types

CREATE FUNCTION and Algorithmic Compression of UDT Columns

You must specify either FOR COMPRESS or FOR DECOMPRESS, respectively, when you create an SQL function definition for an external UDF that is to be used to either compress or decompress BYTE, VARBYTE, CHARACTER, VARCHAR, GRAPHIC, Period, distinct UDT (including ARRAY/VARRAY), BLOB, CLOB, XML, Geospatial, distinct BLOB-based UDT, distinct CLOB-based UDT, or distinct XML-based UDT column values algorithmically. If you do not specify these options in the function definition, it cannot be used to algorithmically compress or decompress column values.

You can use algorithmic compression on distinct and structured UDT types.

The compression and decompression routines you code can be either external scalar UDFs or embedded services scalar UDFs.

Embedded services UDFs that are used for algorithmic compression are for Internal UDT types such as Period, ARRAY, VARRAY, and Geospatial. They cannot be used for structured UDTs.

External UDFs are typically used for distinct UDTs.

Accessing or writing an algorithmically-compressed column implicitly encapsulates the column reference with the appropriate routine.

See Compressing Column Values Using Only Multivalue Compression for additional information about the TD_LZ_COMPRESS and TD_LZ_DECOMPRESS UDFs.

The compression UDF must have the following signature.
  • There must be a single input parameter that can be any of the supported UDT data types.
  • The parameter data type of the compression function must match the data type of the UDT column exactly.
  • The UDT parameter data type of the compression function must match the return data type of the decompression function exactly.
  • The return data type must be VARBYTE(n).
  • The compression function VARBYTE(n) return length n must match the length of the decompression function VARBYTE(n) parameter exactly.
A decompression UDF must have the following signature:
  • Single input parameter whose data type must be VARBYTE(n).
  • The return data type of the decompression function must match the data type of the UDT column exactly.
  • The return data type of the decompression function must match the UDT parameter data type of the compression function exactly.
  • The decompression function VARBYTE(n) return length n must match the length of the compression function VARBYTE(n) parameter exactly.
  • The output of the decompress UDF must be one of the supported UDT data types.

REPLACE FUNCTION and Algorithmic Compression

You can only submit a REPLACE FUNCTION request if the compression-related function is not used by any column across all databases and users for compressing and decompressing its data. This restriction is necessary because column data is already compressed using a certain algorithm and cannot be decompressed if the algorithm is changed.

The only exception to this rule is that a REPLACE FUNCTION request involving algorithmic compression is valid if it does not change the existing function specification in the data dictionary and its execution mode is PROTECTED.

For example, consider the following DDL requests where the objects are created in the order indicated.

CREATE FUNCTION scsu_comp …;
CREATE FUNCTION scsu_decomp …;
  col_1 INTEGER,
  col_2 CHARACTER(10) COMPRESS ('abc', 'efg')
                      COMPRESS USING scsu_comp
                      DECOMPRESS USING scsu_decomp);

Column col_2 in table t1 references the UDFs scsu_comp for algorithmic compression and scsu_decomp for algorithmic decompression.

After table t1 has been created, a REPLACE FUNCTION request on either scsu_comp scsu_decomp returns an error to the requestor. This assumes that the exception conditions noted earlier are not satisfied.