resusagesawtV | VantageCloud Lake - resusagesawtV - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

Database: td_metric_svc

If you need detailed statistics for AMP Worker Tasks (AWT) per AMP in the system, use this view to:
  • Get a historical view of AWT utilization across the system.
  • Get the length of each AMP message queue (mailbox), the queue which holds work messages from the Dispatcher that are waiting to be serviced by an AMP Worker Task.
  • Get the frequency and duration for which an AMP entered flow control during the logging interval.
View Column Data Type Format Comment
Location VARCHAR(2048) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(2048) File path in object storage for metric data objects.
path_component_id VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) Operational group (primary cluster or compute cluster) ID.
path_collecttimestamp VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) Timestamp, in EPOCH timestamp format, this metric data was collected from your database and written to object storage.
path_year VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The year in which the data was logged.
path_month VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The month in which the data was recorded in the table.
path_day VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The day on which the data was recorded in the table.
path_hour VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The hour at which the data was recorded in the table.
path_minute VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The minute at which the data was recorded in the table.
path_ver VARCHAR(8000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(8000) The version of Vantage software that was running on the operational group.
TheDate DATE NOT NULL YYYY/MM/DD Local Date of the log entry.
NodeID INTEGER NOT NULL ZZZ9-9999 Numeric value that uniquely identifies a node (cloud compute instance) within a compute cluster. For example, '10001','10002'.
TheTime FLOAT NOT NULL 99:99:99.99 Nominal local time of the log entry.
GmtTime FLOAT NOT NULL 99:99:99.99 Nominal GMT time of the log entry. Greenwich Mean Time is not affected by the Daylight Saving Time adjustments that occur twice a year.
Not applicable. Do not use.
    Not applicable.
Not applicable. Do not use.
    Not applicable.
NodeType CHAR(8) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(8) Indicates the node (cloud compute instance) family. For example, '67_R5'.
TheTimestamp BIGINT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970.
CentiSecs INTEGER NOT NULL -(11)9 Actual number of centiseconds in the logging period.
Secs SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Actual number of seconds in the logging period.
NominalSecs SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Nominal number of seconds in the logging period.
SummaryFlag CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(1) Summarization status of this row. Possible values are N if the row is a non-summary row, and S if the row is a summary row.
ReservedS0 CHAR(7) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(7) Reserved for future use.
PM_COD_CPU SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Platform Metering CPU COD value in one tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 500 represents a COD value of 50.0%.
WM_COD_CPU SMALLINT NOT NULL -(6)9 Workload Management CPU COD value in one tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 500 represents a COD value of 50.0%.
vprId INTEGER NOT NULL -11(9) Identifies the AMP vproc.
Active FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Controls whether the rows are logged to the resource usage tables if Active Row Filter Mode is enabled.
MailBoxDepth FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current depth of the AMP work mailbox at the end of the period.
FlowControlled FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 If the value is non-zero, then the AMP is in flow control. Indicates flow control on incoming mailbox for AMPs only: work mailbox name 2-11, where 2 is the mailbox number and 11 is the AMP Worker Task partition.
FlowCtlCnt FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times during the log period that the system entered the flow control state from a non-flow controlled state.
FlowCtlTime FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total time, in milliseconds, that an AMP is in flow control.
InuseMax FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at any one time during the log period.
Available FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of unreserved AMP Worker Tasks from the pool that are not being used at the end of the interval.
AvailableMin FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Minimum number of unreserved AMP Worker Tasks available in the pool for each AMP for the logged period. For example, a zero value means there were no unreserved AMP Worker Tasks available in the pool at some point during the reporting period.
AWTsConfigured FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current setting for AMP Worker Task (for example, 80, 100, or so on).
WorkTypeInuse00 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKNEW for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse01 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKONE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse02 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKTWO for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse03 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKTHREE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse04 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKFOUR for the VprId vproc. The WorkTypeInuse04 column value is at least 1 due to the internal database design for the Control AMP rows in the ResUsageSawt table.
WorkTypeInuse05 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKFIVE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse06 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKSIX for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse07 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKSEVEN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse08 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKEIGHT for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse09 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKNINE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse10 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKTEN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse11 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKELEVEN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse12 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKABORT for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse13 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKSPAWN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse14 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKNORMAL for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeInuse15 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for work type MSGWORKCONTROL for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax00 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKNEW for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax01 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKONE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax02 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKTWO for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax03 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKTHREE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax04 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKFOUR for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax05 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKFIVE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax06 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKSIX for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax07 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKSEVEN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax08 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKEIGHT for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax09 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKNINE for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax10 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKTEN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax11 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKELEVEN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax12 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKABORT for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax13 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKSPAWN for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax14 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKNORMAL for the VprId vproc.
WorkTypeMax15 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for work type MSGWORKCONTROL for the VprId vproc.
UnReservedAwtPoolSize FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total number of AWTs in the unreserved AWT pool.
AvailableForWork00 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Unused limit of AWTs for work type 00 at end period.
AvailableForWork08 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Unused limit of AWTs for work type 08 at end period.
AvailableForWork00Min FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 The minimum value of AvailableForWork00 over the entire period.
AvailableForWork08Min FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 The minimum value of AvailableForWork08 over the entire period.
SpaceReactiveCnt FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Current number of AMP worker tasks waiting for reactive space allocations.
SpaceReactiveWaitTime FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Total time in milliseconds AMP worker tasks were waiting for reactive space allocations.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted00 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted01 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted02 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted03 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted04 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted05 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted06 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted07 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted08 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted09 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted10 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted11 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted12 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted13 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted14 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.
WorkTypeAWTExhausted15 FLOAT NOT NULL -(20)9 Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT.