Summary View | VantageCloud Lake - Summary View - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

The Summary view displays all queries running on the primary cluster. The metrics displayed are as follows:

Metric Description Type
Compute Group The name of the compute group associated with the query. Compute Group contains one or more Compute Profiles. Compute Groups associate the Compute Profile resources with users and their queries. String
Compute group - Request AMP CPU Average of the total CPU seconds consumed to run the query on compute groups. Number
Compute group - Request AMP IO Average of the total number of disk I/Os performed while running on the compute groups. Number
Duration Time the query has been running. Number
Host ID Host ID associated with the PE that processed the login request for the session. Number
Impact CPU CPU impact on the system based on the highest used AMP and calculated at the request level. Number
Primary cluster - Request AMP CPU Total CPU seconds consumed while running the query on the primary cluster. Number
Primary cluster Request AMP IO Total number of disk I/Os performed while running the query on the primary cluster. Number
Request count Number of queries submitted by the session. Number
Run VPROC no Vproc number of the AMP or PE currently assigned to process the session requests. Number
Session ID Unique session identifier Number
Start time Time at which the query started running String
State Text describing the current state of the query. String
Unnecessary IO All AMP I/O divided by all AMP CPU, displayed in milliseconds, to reveal large amounts of I/O occurring over a short period of time. Number
User name Name of the user who submitted the query. String
Workload name Workload in which the query is running. String