MonitorVirtualResource Syntax Elements - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
ID of an AMP (that is, a set of disks and the associated tasks or processes that, in combination, make up the AMP), PE or TVS vproc.
Type of vproc:
  • AMP
  • PE
  • MISC
Status of the node, AMP, PE, or TVS vproc associated with this record:
  • U = Up/online.
  • D = Down/offline.
A node is up (U) when the following are true:
  • The node is configured into the system.
  • The node is online.
  • The node can performing tasks associated with normal database activity.
Down (D) represents all other potential states.
ID associated with a node.
This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 returns an INTEGER value of 40123.
Number that identifies the compute cluster to which this AMP is assigned.
ClusterNo is not applicable to TVS vproc and returns NULL.
Number of current sessions logged to this PE. A logged on session is either a session whose logon request was delivered to this PE, or a session that was switched to this PE following its logon.
The SessLogCount field contains the SubPoolId if the vproc type is TVS.
SubpoolId identifies the subpool associated with the allocator vproc. A subpool defines a set of storage and allocator vprocs assigned to that storage.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
Number of current sessions whose Initiate Requests (TSR messages) are addressed to this vproc. For example:
  • PEs have a SessRunCount that includes all the Teradata SQL and MONITOR sessions logged on to that PE.
  • AMPs may have a nonzero SessRunCount, because AMPs receive TSR messages from FastLoad or MultiLoad logons.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
This field is not applicable to TVS vprocs.
% of CPU usage not spent being idle.
This value is computed from ResUsageSvpr table data, where NCPUs is the number of CPUs in the node:
100.00 * (CPUUExecPart00 + CPUUExecPart01 + ... + CPUUExecPart47 + CPUUServPart00 + CPUUServPart01 + ... + CPUUServPart47) / (NCPUs * SampleSec * 100)
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
% of CPU resources spent in PDE user service processing.
This value is computed from the ResUsageSvpr table data, where x represents the number of CPUs:
(CPUUServPart00 + CPUUServPart01 + ... + CPUUServPart47) /(x * SampleSec)
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
% of CPU resources used by either the AMP Worker Task (Partition 11) or by the TVS Task (Partition 31) depending on the type of vproc this record represents.
This value depends on the number of CPUs in the node but does not exceed 100%. The value is computed from the ResUsageSvpr table data, where x represents the number of CPUs on a node:
  • For AMP vprocs:

    (CPUUExecPart11) / (x * SampleSec)

  • For TVS vprocs:

    (CPUUExecPart31) / (x * SampleSec)

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
% of disk usage per AMP. This value is computed from the ResUsageSvdsk table data:
OutReqTime / SampleSec
DiskUse does not take into account overlapping of operations among multiple storage controllers, but does allow for the possibility of multiple requests for the same controller.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
Total number of physical disk reads per AMP during the collection period.
This value is computed from the ResUsageSvpr table data as:
FilePCiAcqReads + FilePDbAcqReads + FileSciAcqReads + FileSDbAcqReads + FileTjtAcqReads + FileAPtAcqReads
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
This field is not applicable to TVS and PE vprocs.
Total number of physical disk writes per AMP during the collection period.
For PE and AMP-level displays, this value is computed from ResUsageSvpr table data as:
FilePCiFWrites + FilePDbFWrites + FileSCiFWrites + FilesDbFWrites + FileTjtFWrites + FileAPtFWrites + FilePCiDyaWrites + FilePDbDyaWrites + FileSciDyaWrites + FilesDbDyaWrites + FileTjtDyaWrites + FileAptDyaWrites
For TVS vproc displays, this value is computed from ResUsageSvpr table data as:
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
Average number of outstanding disk requests.
For AMP-level displays, this value is computed from ResUsageSvdsk table data, assuming n is the number of storage devices used by this vproc:
(ReadRespTot 1 + WriteRespTot 1 + ... + ReadRespTot n + WriteRespTot n) / CentiSecs
This field is not applicable to PE vprocs.
For TVS vproc-level displays, this value is computed from ResUsageSvpr table data as:
AllocatorMapIOsStarted - AllocatorMapIOsDone
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
This field is obsolete and returns zero or NULL.
% of CPU resources spent in PE Dispatcher processing.
This value depends on the number of CPUs in the node, but does not exceed 100%. This value is computed from the ResUsageSvpr table data, where x represents the number of CPUs on a node:
(CPUUExecPart13 + CPUUServPart13) / (x * SampleSec)
The PercntParser CPU time is included in the PercntDispatcher value.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
This field is not applicable to AMP and TVS vprocs.
Number of message blocks (one or more messages sent in one physical group) received from all clients.
This value corresponds to the column totals in the ResUsageShst table supplying HostBlockReads for this vproc.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
This field is not applicable to AMP and TVS vprocs.
Number of message blocks (that is, one or more messages sent in one physical group) sent to all hosts.
This value corresponds to the column totals in the HstBlkWrts column of the ResUsageShst table.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
This field is not applicable to AMP and TVS vprocs.
Number of Reads from the BYNET to the vproc.
The value is computed from the ResUsageSvpr table data as:
NetBrdReads + NetPtPReads
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
Number of messages written from the AMP, PE, or vproc to the BYNET during the collection period.
The value is computed from the ResUsageSvpr table data as:
NetBrdWrites + NetPtPWrites
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
Value is computed from ResUsageSvpr table data using the IoRespMax field. The IoRespMax is the maximum I/O response time in milliseconds. That is, the number of operations for each AMP vproc on that node.
This field is not applicable to AMP and TVS vprocs.
This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see usage notes.
The NVMemAllocSegs field of the MonitorVirtualResource function corresponds to the MaxIOResp field of the MONITOR VIRTUAL RESOURCE request.