Block-Level Compression Method - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

This section summarizes the benefits, best uses, and restrictions of block-level compression in Vantage.

Benefits of Block-Level Compression

  • Can apply to data blocks that contain any type of data
  • Requires no analysis of column data before implementation
  • Easily combined with multivalue compression
  • More efficient than algorithmic compression for tables with numerous narrow-width columns
  • Has no effect on table header size

Best Use of Block-Level Compression

  • Large tables
  • Tables that do not require frequent decompression, especially tables that contain rarely updated COLD or static data
  • Tables accessed with low concurrency
  • Systems with low CPU usage levels
  • Systems where you can use workload management to restrict the overhead of data decompression to a minimal level

Restrictions and Limitations of Block-Level Compression

  • Strictly used to reduce storage space
  • Has so performance benefits
  • Can be costly due to the following factors:
    • Initial cost of applying the compression
    • Ongoing cost of decompressing accessed data blocks
    • Ongoing cost of recompressing data blocks after modification
  • Must not apply for tables that contain WARM or HOT data amd a CPU usage rate greater than 80%
  • Extent of compression that can be achieved depends on the characteristics of the data contained within a data block and the maximum size that has been specified for permanent data blocks

    Individual data blocks within a table may have different size reduction rates, so data blocks frequently show more size variance after being block-level compressed.

  • Best not used in combination with algorithmic compression because of the combined cost of their decompression
  • Cannot use for data dictionary tables, WAL data blocks, cylinder indexes, table headers, or other internal file structures
  • If either multivalue compression or algorithmic compression is defined on a table, the extent of storage reduction achieved by adding block-level compression is less than if no compression had been present at the time block-level compression was added
  • Achieves the best compression ratio for data blocks defined with the maximum 1 MB size

    Larger maximum data block sizes at the time of compression allow cylinders to be more fully used, which can also impact the degree of compressibility.

    A maturing table experiences updates and data block splits, which reduce the size of data blocks.

    During the compression process, Vantage reforms data blocks into their maximum size.

    With larger block sizes defined, Vantage can achieve a greater degree of block-level compression.

    Optimal data block size depends on the application (also true without BLC). Random access (for example, prime key access and USI access paths) does better with moderate data block sizes, but sequential workloads (full table scans) work better with larger data blocks.
  • A large number of significantly smaller data blocks can fill the cylinder index, leaving a cylinder with space that cannot be used because there are data blocks considered too small to provide meaningful compression, and Vantage bypasses those blocks during the compression process
  • Does not compress secondary index subtables, so if a table has secondary indexes before compression, the size reduction rate after compression appears to be smaller than if the table had no secondary indexes at the time of compression
  • Must not be used for small or medium-sized tables that are frequently accessed or updated.