Output - Aster Analytics

Teradata AsterĀ® Analytics Foundation User GuideUpdate 2

Aster Analytics
Release Number
September 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

The CoxPH function outputs information to the summary table, coefficient table, and linear predictor table.

The following table describes the information that the function outputs to the summary table.

CoxPH Coefficient Table Schema
Column Name Contents
predictor One row for each feature specified by the FeatureColumns argument
category Category name if the predictor is categorical.
coefficient Estimated coefficient of the input parameters
exp_coef Exponent of the coefficient

(The exponent of the coefficient represents the increase in units of hazard when the covariate increases by 1.)

std_error Standard error of the coefficient
z_score Wald test statistic for the coefficient

(The Wald test statistic assumes that the coefficient has a normal distribution; that is, N(0, std_error.))

p_value p value for the z score

(The p value represents the significance of each individual coefficient.)

significance Significance code for the p_value (see the following table)
CoxPH Significance Codes
p_value Significance Code
[0, 0.001) ***
[0.001, 0.01) **
[0.01, 0.05) *
[0.05, 0.1) .
[0.1, 1]  

Following the summary table, the function displays the values of the following:

  • Iteration#
  • Convergence
  • Likelikhood ratio test
  • Wald test
  • Score test
  • Degree of freedom

The following table describes the schema of the coefficient table.

CoxPH Coefficient Table Schema
Column Name Data Type Description
id INTEGER Row identifier
predictor VARCHAR Feature column name
coefficient DOUBLE PRECISION Estimated coefficient of the input parameters
exp_coef DOUBLE PRECISION Exponent of the coefficient
std_error DOUBLE PRECISION Standard error of the coefficient
z_score DOUBLE PRECISION Wald test statistic for the coefficient
p_value DOUBLE PRECISION p value for the z score
significance VARCHAR Significance code

The following table describes the schema of the linear predictor table.

CoxPH Linear Predictor Table Schema
Column Name Data Type Description
linear_predictor DOUBLE PRECISION Contains the k fixed covariates and coefficients of the input parameters.
event INTEGER Contains 1 if the event occurred before the time interval ended, 0 otherwise.
time_interval INTEGER Contains the time intervals of the input data; that is, end_time - start_time, in any unit of time (for example, years, months, or days).
accumulate_column Any Column copied from input_table.

The linear predictor table has one such column for each column specified by the Accumulate argument.