An Order By element may be dragged onto the empty node under the Order By Clause.
Columns and/or other expressions can be moved into the folder titled Expressions, leading to a comma-separated list of the generated SQL items. Some of the possibilities include:
- Input columns — Columns can be utilized directly to order by input columns.
- Output columns — Variable references (in the Other category) can be utilized to order by output columns.
- Numeric literals — Numeric literals can be utilized to order by output columns by positional number.
- Text literal — A single Text literal can be used to enter a comma separated list of input or output columns or positional numbers directly in a single element. It can also be used to specify an expression not otherwise supported, such as CAST (column AS CHAR(10) CASESPECIFIC), which might be useful if the case specific nature of a column affects the sort order.
- ASC/DESC Order — The direction of the sort order for an individual element may be controlled by dropping an ASC/DESC Order SQL element on the column or position number being sorted by. The ASC/DESC Order element has a Properties dialog where Ascending or Descending order may be selected.