Right-Click Menu Options - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata® Warehouse Miner™ User Guide - Volume 2ADS Generation

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
November 2018
Product Category
The same right-click menu options are offered for the Columns selector on the left side of the input screen as are offered for other input screens (see Analysis Input Screen in the Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide (Volume 1), B035-2300). Also, the following right-click options are available within the Dimensions panel.
  • Expand All Nodes — Expands the nodes completely for each dimension.
  • Collapse All Nodes — Collapses the nodes to show only dimensions.
  • Switch Input To ‘<table name>’ — This option applies only when a SQL Column is highlighted in the Dimensions panel. When this option is selected, the selectors on the left side of the input screen are adjusted to match the table or analysis that contains the selected SQL Column, and the column is also selected. Note that if the table selected on the left side of the screen contains the column currently selected in the Dimensions panel, this option becomes Switch Input To This Column.
  • Switch ‘<table name>’ To Current Input — This option applies only when a SQL Column is highlighted in the Dimensions panel. When this option is selected, the selectors on the left side of the input screen are used to change the input table or analysis of the selected SQL Column. A pop-up menu is displayed to allow changing the input for this column only or for all occurrences. For a single column, a column with the same name must occur in the new (currently selected) input table or analysis or an error is given. When all columns are changed, the new table or analysis must contain all the columns or an error is given and no changes are made.

    Note that if the table selected on the left side of the screen contains the column currently selected in the Dimensions panel, this option is disabled.

  • Apply Dimensions to Variables — This option jumps to the upper dimensions tab so that dimensions can be applied to variables.
  • SQL — This option displays the SQL that will be generated for this node in the tree.
  • Properties — This option displays the Properties dialog, if any, that applies to this SQL element.
  • Add Columns Matching Parameter Names — This option applies only when a User Defined Function element or the Arguments folder underneath it is selected in the Dimensions panel, and when the Arguments folder is empty (i.e., no arguments have been selected). If the option is selected, columns with names matching those of each function argument are selected from the currently selected input table on the left side of the screen into the Arguments folder underneath the User Defined Function. If any or all argument names are not found in the currently selected input table, a message is given to indicate how many argument names could not be matched and to provide the option to continue with placeholders for unmatched parameters. If a response of 'OK' is given to this message, dummy column elements with names in the form of >>.name are created and added to the Arguments folder in the required order, where name is the argument name.