Input Source — Select Table to input from a table or view, or select Analysis to select directly from the output of a qualifying analysis in the same project (in particular, all of the ADS and Reorganization analyses except Refresh).
Selecting Analysis will cause the referenced analysis to be executed before this analysis whenever this analysis is run. It will also cause the referenced analysis to create a volatile table if the Output option of the referenced analysis is Select. For more information, see INPUT Tab in the Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide (Volume 1), B035-2300.
When selecting from an analysis other than a Variable Transformation, whose option to Generate the SQL for this analysis, but do not execute it is set to true and whose option to Store the tabular output of this analysis in the database is not set to true, the SQL generated for the referenced analysis is embedded as a derived table in the SQL for this analysis, rather than the SQL for this analysis selecting from a volatile table created by the referenced analysis.Select Function Table to take input from a Table Function, Table Operator or derived table on the Function Tables tab. After selecting Function Table as the Input Source, select the desired Function Table from the Function Tables drop-down menu. If the selected Function Table has been specified on the Tables tab as a valid Table Function, Table Operator or derived table, the available columns should be listed underneath the selected Function Table. If not, the Function Table should be corrected and the Input Source selected again. The error log available on the Tools menu to help determine the problem with the Function Table definition. Note that if this is part of a chain of analyses, the chain may need to be executed manually for a Function Table to be accessible. Also, if the Function Table is a Table Function with Hash By and Order By specified, these fields may require double quotes for correct Function Table functioning.
- Databases (or Analyses or Function Tables) — All databases (or Analyses or Function Tables) that are available for the Variable Creation analysis.
- Tables — All tables that are available for the Variable Creation analysis.
- Columns — All columns within the selected table, Analysis Table or Function Table that are available for the Variable Creation analysis.
Values — If a single column of character, date or numeric type is highlighted and the Values button is clicked, a window appears above the Columns selector displaying distinct values that appear in the selected column in the selected table or view. The query to retrieve these values is affected by two options on the Limits tab of the Preferences dialog box, namely: Use sampling to retrieve distinct value data and Number of rows to sample. To remove the temporary window that displays the values, click the Hide button at the top of the display. If the Input Source is Analysis and the column is in a volatile table created by the referenced analysis, the retrieval of Values may fail. Follow the directions in the informational message that appears in case of failure to retrieve data values.