On the Properties tab of this screen, select:
Available Analyses to Publish — Select a single analysis from the list of all of the analyses in the current project which are available for the Publish analysis.The list of available analyses will include only ADS, Reorganization and Scoring analyses. Also, analyses used to generate Subqueries or With Recursive Views will not be available to publish, and while a With Recursive base query may be published, With Recursive seed or recursive component queries by themselves may not.
- Version — Enter the version of the model being published.
- Expiration Date — Enter the date that the model will expire. By default, this is 3 months from today’s date.
- Name of Model To Publish — Enter the name of the model that is being published.
- Description — Enter a description of the model being published.
- Published By — Enter the name of the person who is publishing the model.
- Retain All Columns — If selected, the column limiting feature of the Publish analysis is disabled. The column limiting feature ordinarily ensures that any referenced analyses only generate the columns needed by the analysis being published, potentially saving system resources. When the Retain All Columns option is selected, each referenced analysis produces all of its specified output columns, which may be desirable if these columns contain important intermediate results. Further, depending on the nature of the referenced analyses, column limiting may lead to incorrect results, so the use of this option may become necessary.
Legacy (Aster) AppCenter
The following fields display when using the legacy AppCenter.
Publish To — Using the pull-down box to the right, the user can select:
- Model Manager — Only available if connected to a Teradata database, giving the traditionally available functionality.
App Center Files — Creates 3 or 4 files (app.xml, documentation.html, icon.png/bmp/jpg (optional), and queries.sql, and a zip file that contains all four. The zip file can be used to manually install the resulting application.The App Center Files option is only available when connected to Aster.This selection displays the following controls:
- Publish Folder — The full path to the location to hold the files defining the app.
- Icon — An optional icon image selected from a png, jpg or bmp file to be associated with the App and stored in the Publish analysis.
Browse — This button performs one of the following functions:
- Browse for Publish Folder
- Browse for Icon File
- Clear Icon Selection
App Center Server — Connects and uploads the application directly to the AppCenter.The App Center Server option is only available when connected to the Aster database.This selection will display the following controls:
- App Server — Displayed instead of Publish Folder, the App Server to upload the application to. This must have been created previously using the Connection Properties dialog. Refer to the description of that dialog for details.
- Icon — An optional icon image selected from a png, jpg or bmp file to be associated with the App and stored in the Publish analysis.
Browse — This button performs one of the following functions:
- Browse for Icon File
- Clear Icon Selection
- Add Table View Visualization Code — When checked, a data grid displaying the contents of the final output table is made available when the App is executed (not applicable to the Model Manager publish destination).
Output Table Handling — This panel is used to select one of three available types of output table handling (not applicable to the Model Manager publish destination).
- Named by User — Output tables and containing database or schemas are named by the user, who is responsible for avoiding conflicts from concurrent usage.
AppCenter Controlled — This option uses the AppCenter “Output Table” feature to avoid concurrency issues from simultaneous usage of the app. The AppCenter creates and names the output tables and maintains each user’s output in a single table with a Unique ID used as a key.
- With this option, the Publish analysis removes DROP and CREATE statements for the output tables in the published SQL and introduces INSERT/SELECT statements instead. It also removes the database or schema from the fully qualified output table names.
- The output tables are recognized as the ADS output table, Score output table or both. Multiple ADS or multiple Score tables are not allowed with this option.
- When publishing an App with this option, the analysis being published must first be executed so that column information can be determined.
The Aster data types initially supported by AppCenter in the output table include bit, date, boolean, timestamp without time zone, character varying, real, bytes, double precision, uuid, smallint, integer and bigint. Note that type float is converted to double precision, timestamp to timestamp without time zone, and char to varchar to create an AppCenter supported type. Other types may lead to an error condition from the AppCenter.
- A few features are not supported with this option, including the use of an output view, the use of multi-table or multi-view output with the Sample analysis and post-processing SQL. Validation of these limitations is not performed for Free Form SQL or multi-table /view Sample analyses.
- Another feature not supported with this option is null-replacement in combination with another type of transformation.
- A chained ADS analysis that converts a SELECT statement to a volatile table is not supported by this option.
- COMMENT ON and COLLECT STATISTICS statements are removed if possible.
- In the Aster environment, the distribution key column is arbitrarily taken as the first column.
Teradata AppCenter
The following fields display when using Teradata AppCenter.
Publish To — Using the pull-down box to the right, the user may select:
- Model Manager — Only available if connected to a Teradata database, giving the traditionally available functionality.
App Center Files — Creates 2 files (app.json and queries.sql. Note that these files cannot be used to manually install the resulting application.This selection displays the following controls:
- Publish Folder — The full path to the location to hold the files defining the app.
- Icon Name — The name of the icon as available in the AppCenter.
- Icon Color — The color of the icon as available in the AppCenter.
- Browse — This button is used to browse for the Publish Folder.
App Center Server — Connects and uploads the application directly to the AppCenter.This selection will display the following controls:
- App Server — Displayed instead of Publish Folder, the App Server to upload the application to. If not created previously using the Connection Properties dialog, the user will be prompted for App Server information.
- Icon Name — The name of the icon as available in the AppCenter.
- Icon Color — The color of the icon as available in the AppCenter.
- Enable Results Visualization — The Publish analysis automatically detects whether the published analysis or chain of analyses creates a table as its end-result. If a result table is created and the user does not check the Enable Results Visualization check box, a SELECT statement with database and output table tags is generated at the end of the published SQL. In this case, a Table Visualization (data grid) will automatically be produced, viewable in the AppCenter after the App executes. If, however, the user chooses to Enable Results Visualization, an App Results Configuration is created in the App that the user must edit in the AppCenter to specify the desired Visualization (for example, a bar graph). In this case, a Table Visualization (data grid) is not available. If the published analysis or chain of analyses does not create a result table, i.e. the results are simply selected, a Table Visualization (data grid) is automatically produced.