Run DIP - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

When the TDBMS package is updated, specific Database Initialization Program (DIP) scripts must be run to complete the upgrade. The Run DIP step automatically runs the appropriate DIP scripts following a minor, maintenance, or efix upgrade to the TDBMS package. This step is skipped following a major upgrade. A valid DBC user password is required to run DIP scripts and must be entered at the prompt on the first screen. If the TDBMS version does not change, the Run DIP step is skipped completely.

The total elapsed time appears on the PUT screen as DIP scripts are running.

When errors occur while attempting to run DIP scripts, a message that describes the problem might display. The user can attempt to fix the problem outside of PUT and retry, or skip the Run DIP step.

If the Run DIP step is skipped for any reason, the user must run the correct DIP scripts manually to complete the upgrade.

PUTTools Required

PUT depends on the PUTTools package to run DIP scripts during a software upgrade. The PUTTools package provides the script that PUT calls to run the required DIP scripts.
A minimum PUTTools version of 1.4 is required, but Teradata recommends that you use the most current PUTTools version, available from

Supported Teradata Database Versions

PUT supports DIP automation on Teradata Database Release 13.0 or later. Run DIP is skipped on earlier versions.

Upgrade Types

The type of upgrade being performed determines which DIP scripts run. The upgrade type is determined by the highest field in the TDBMS version to change. A major upgrade occurs when the first two digits of the version numbers are different. A minor upgrade happens when the second set of digits in the versions are different. Maintenance and efix updates result from different numbers in the version’s third and fourth set of digits, respectively.

Lettered versions do not trigger PUT to run DIP.
The table below summarizes each type of upgrade by name, version field, and the action taken by PUT.
Upgrade Type Version Identifier PUT
Major 13.xx.xx.xx Runs conversion scripts that in turn run the required DIP scripts for a major TDBMS upgrade. The Run DIP step is skipped.
Minor xx.10.xx.xx Attempts to run DIPALL following all minor TDBMS upgrades.
Maintenance xx.xx.00.xx Attempts to run DIPPATCH following all maintenance TDBMS upgrades.
Efix xx.xx.xx.00 Attempts to run DIPPATCH following all efix TDBMS upgrades.

Valid DBS Password

Whenever PUT needs to run DIP scripts, it prompts you to enter the DBS password at the beginning of the Run DIP step. You must enter a valid password for the “dbc” user name on this screen and click Next to continue. The default password is "dbc" and is entered automatically by clicking OK. If the password is incorrect, the default "dbc" password is tried. If neither the user-provided nor the default password is valid, the DIP job fails. At the error screen, you can fix the problem and click the Retry button to return to the password prompt screen, or skip the Run DIP step.

Valid PDE and DBS States

The Run DIP step requires that PDE and DBS be in specific states before DIP scripts can run. Running the pdestate -a command or multitool on the command line of any TPA node displays the PDE and DBS states.

  • PDE must be in the RUN/STARTED state to run DIP scripts.
  • DBS must be at Logons are enabled to run DIP scripts.
DIP cannot run if either or both PDE and DBS are not in a valid state on every TPA node in the system. When invalid states are detected, the error screen is displayed with a brief explanation.
Certain states are interpreted as the DBS coming up. PUT automatically rechecks these states for progress, but eventually times out if the database comes up slowly. You can wait for the database to come up completely and retry or just retry and let PUT monitor it again until it comes up or times out. If the database does not come up after several retries, it may be necessary to investigate what is preventing the database from coming up all the way. The following states are recognized as intermediate states as the database is coming up to logons are enabled:
  • Initializing DBS Vprocs
  • Initializing DBS Configuration
  • Starting AMP Partitions
  • Voting for Transaction Recovery
  • Starting Transaction Recovery
  • Starting PE Partitions

BTEQ Required

The BTEQ utility must be functional in order to run DIP scripts. You must be able to logon to bteq using the dbc user. You are prompted for this password at the beginning of the Run DIP step.

Retrying DIP

If the database comes up slowly and PUT times out before it finishes, the Run DIP step can be tried again. From the command line, or with multitool, you can monitor the database until it reaches the correct state. Once the database is up, try the Run DIP step again.

Skipping DIP

The Run DIP step can be skipped if an error occurs. Any time an error prevents PUT from running DIP, you can skip the step so that the Install/Upgrade Software operation can be completed.

Remember that when the Run DIP step is skipped, required DIP scripts must be run manually to complete the upgrade.