Debugging PUT Using the PUT Process Explorer - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The PUT Process Explorer contains valuable information about the PUT processes for the master node (not in operation), or selected nodes (in an operation). The Process Explorer displays a snapshot of the state of the system at the time the snapshot is requested.

When you click the Processes Running link at the bottom of the PUT screen, the PUT Process Explorer displays the status for each node:
Field Description
Host Name of the host used during information gathering.
PUT Current running version of PUT installed.
OS Operating system running on the node.
IP IP address of the node.
Process Name A collapsible list of processes organized in a parent-child hierarchy. When the tree is collapsed, each parent item displays the number of its children processes. Parent processes without children are indicated with an asterisk.
Menu Additional details about the process.
Environment A listing of all environment variables and their values for the process.
PID The Process Identifier.
PPID The Parent Process Identifier.
Up Time Amount of time the process has been running.
Cmd Line The command and arguments (if any) entered on the command line to call the process.

PUT Process Explorer Errors

Any error that occurs on a node is displayed at the top of the page with a red background.

The PUT Process Explorer errors are:
Error Description
StartJobAction failed to run The job failed to run on the host which could be due to problems with the putjobd daemon or the job.
ReceiveFileAction failed An attempt to retrieve the output file failed. This could be due to problems with the wxfx daemon or the output file from the job.
SeyKey failed The secure key failed to set on the node it was attempting to contact. This could be due to network issues or PUT services not running.
DeleteKey failed The secure key failed to set on the node. This could be due to network issues or PUT services not running.

PUT Process Explorer Additional Options

Additional options can be appended to the URL of the PUT Process Explorer for more information about the nodes:
Option Description
SAVE The SAVE option directs the master node to save the final results instead of discarding them. Results are stored at /var/opt/teradata/TDput/fileservice/PUTProcOut.

Example: https://nodename:8443/put/cgi-vin/view_process_tree.exe?&SAVE

PROC The PROC option allows you to designate specific root processes to query other than the standard PUT processes. When specified root processes are found, PUT recursively descends the process hierarchy to find all children processes.
Multiple processes must be specified in comma-separated strings. Do not use spaces in process names; use quotes instead.

Example: https://nodename:8443/put/cgi-bin/view_process_tree.exe?&PROC=bash,sshd

These options can be used together if separated by the “&” character. Options can be specified in any order. A “?” character must follow the .exe extension.