HELPコマンドでは、Vproc Managerの一般ヘルプ、またはオプションを指定していれば詳細なヘルプを見ることができます。
- Vproc Managerのヘルプ テキスト全体を表示するために使用。
- keyword
- コマンド名、VprocState、またはRestartKindのいずれかを指定。
コマンド オプションを指定しなかった場合には、Vproc Managerの概要に続いて、追加ヘルプの入手方法の概要が表示されます。
例: Vproc Managerオンライン ヘルプ
Enter a command, Help, or Quit: help The Vproc Manager utility program provides a means to manage/manipulate various vproc attributes.The general command syntax is: <COMMAND> <Options> <Arguments> [;] That is, a command followed by its specific options and/or arguments and terminated with an optional semi-colon. All commands, options, and arguments may be abbreviated to the shortest unique string. Valid commands are: BOOT, HELP, INITVDISK, QUIT, RESTART, SET, and STATUS. Enter "HELP <CommandName>" for detailed information on each command or type "HELP ALL" for the help text in its entirety.
例: QUITコマンドのVproc Managerヘルプ
Enter a command, Help, or Quit: help quit QUIT o This command causes the VprocManager utility program to exit.
例: COLD再始動のVproc Managerヘルプ
Enter a command, Help, or Quit: help cold COLD and COLDWAIT are used to specify the types of restart to perform, either as an option in the RESTART command or as a value supplied in the SET RESTART command. They are defined as follows: o COLD - A full restart, but transaction recovery will be deferred. o COLDWAIT - A full restart, but DBS startup will be held up until transaction recovery is complete.