Teradata SQL文をレコード モード(Response Mode=R)で実行依頼した場合には、成功した文に対する応答パーセルは次のようになります。
- データを返さない文:
Success parcel (flavor 8) if an insert, update or delete statement, the activity code will reflect the number of rows affected all other non-data returning statements will have an activity code of 0. EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)
- データを返す文またはWITH句なしのSELECT文:
Success parcel (flavor 8) the activity code will reflect the number of rows returned Record Parcel (flavor 10) one record parcel for each row returned EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)
- 1つ以上のWITH句があるSELECT文:
Success parcel (flavor 8) the activity code will reflect the number of rows returned, including the summary rows Record Parcel (flavor 10) one record parcel for each row returned, including the summary rows EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) EndRequest parcel (flavor 12) With parcel (flavor 33) one for each summary row immediately preceding the Record parcel containing the summary row. EndWith parcel (flavor 35) one for each summary row immediately following the Record parcel containing the summary row.
- ECHOリクエスト:
Success parcel (flavor 8) Record parcel (flavor 10) EndStatement parcel (flavor 11) EndRequest parcel (flavor 12)